Biden Proposes Immigration Reform During Presidential Debate

Biden wants to offer citizenship to 11 million undocumented immigrants

Biden proposes immigration reform in his first 100 days

The US presidential elections will take place in November 2020. The two candidates are:

  • Current President Donald Trump, who belongs to the Republican political party and is seeking reelection.
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden (Barack Obama’s term), belonging to the Democratic political party.

Due to the unprecedented health crisis in the recent history of mankind, the main topic of presidential debates and political campaigns has been the health system and the global Coronavirus pandemic. Important topics such as the unemployment rate and immigration have also been discussed lately.

For instance, during the last presidential debate, which took place on Thursday, October 22, 2020, the Democratic nominee spoke about his proposals regarding the immigration sector. Biden proposes immigration reform during the first 100 days after taking office.

Part of his immigration proposals are to:

  • Provide a path to citizenship for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants currently residing in the US.
  • Remove the “Zero Tolerance Policy” that encourages and increases the separation of immigrant families at the borders.
  • Eradicate the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP), or “Remain in Mexico”, which states that asylum seekers must wait in Mexico while they receive a response to their immigration applications.
  • Stop the construction of the border wall that separates the US from Mexico.

Biden also proposes to reform deportation protocols because during Barack Obama’s term, more than 3 million undocumented immigrants were deported, a record for the US.

Do you need help with an immigration case? Contact Motion Law and follow the advice of experts.

Whoever wins the election will define the future of the immigration sector

The current administration of the US, with President Donald Trump leading, has a pretty strict stance when it comes to the immigration sector.

Most of the president’s efforts aim to reduce and curb immigration, both legal and illegal. Let’s see some examples:

  • On the one hand, the Trump administration does not agree with offering legal residence possibilities to immigrants who decided to cross the borders without documentation, since, in its opinion, they violated local law and should face deportation proceedings.
    His administration argues that if undocumented foreigners have options to stay in the US, it would only incentivize and increase illegal immigration.
  • On the other hand, the Trump administration has also slowed down legal immigration by implementing restrictions on highly skilled foreign workers and visa processes. These restrictions increased substantially after the arrival of the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Therefore, because both Biden and Trump have a diametrically opposite view of what the local immigration system should look like, if Biden wins the election, immigration policies would change substantially and many restrictions implemented by the Trump administration would be relaxed. However, if Trump wins re-election, immigration could face even more modifications and restrictions.

Seek reliable help to protect your future

Following legal paths when submitting an immigration application is essential. In this way, you will not go through precarious or risky situations by following parameters established by local law.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.