Activists Call on Biden to Confront Actions of Republican Leaders

Activists call on Biden to confront Republican leaders

Republican leaders plan to intervene in the border situation

It is no secret that the current president of the US, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, has an extremely opposite view to former Republican President Donald Trump when it comes to immigration in general, but especially regarding irregular migration and immigrants currently residing in the country undocumented.

Former President Trump’s vision and plans were heavily focused on immigration law enforcement at the borders, but in a way often labeled as “arbitrary”. In other words, Trump’s border policies allowed the implementation of unconventional methods that created controversy such as express or expedited deportations, the separation of immigrant families and detention centers for immigrant minors.

Therefore, now that President Biden is leading the White House, most Republican leaders and several opposition groups do not support his immigration plans and proposals. In fact, the Biden administration has already removed many of Trump’s restrictions on the immigration system and certain Republican members have tried to intervene.

For instance, former President Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently traveled to the border territory and commented on the surge of illegal crossings that has increased exponentially since the beginning of the year. Adding to that, Abbott has openly stated that it plans to invest state funds to continue construction of the border wall that separates the US from Mexico and to dispatch National Guard troops to increase surveillance at the borders and curb mass irregular migration.

Avoid being part of the national controversy and migrate safely, always with the constant accompaniment of experts. Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys, who will be happy to guide you through your entire immigration process!

Activists call on Biden to confront Republican leaders

Because certain GOP leaders, including former President Donald Trump, are trying to act on their own on immigration, without the current administration’s approval or endorsement, several activist groups and immigrant rights advocates are calling for Biden to intervene in the situation and intercept the efforts of these Republican members.

In fact, LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) sent a letter to President Biden on Sunday, July 4, asking him to intervene as soon as possible in this anti-immigrant rhetoric, which is being promulgated by former President Trump and his Republican allies.

LULAC’s national president stated, “We told the president in no uncertain terms, this is an insurrection by recalcitrant and rebellious states that must be stopped (…) We are being invaded by governors of the defeated Confederacy to arm the border against brown women and children escaping political persecution, hunger, and death”.

Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!

Follow legal processes and complete your immigration journey safely

As one might realize, migrating irregularly to the US only creates controversy and most likely could also bring irreversible inconvenience to your future. Adding to that, one must also understand that the local immigration system is quite extensive and surely there is at least one option, if not more, that might suit your current immigration needs.

If you, a family member, or a friend need help with an immigration case, please contact Motion Law today to schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Our team will be happy to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.

Please contact Motion Law Immigration today at: (202) 918-1799.