Biden’s Plan to Lift Border Measure

DHS outlines plan to end Title 42

DHS outlines plan to end Title 42

Biden’s DHS (Department of Homeland Security) recently released a plan to protect the border territory once Title 42 is lifted.

Within this plan, DHS would:

  • Hire at least 600 border agents, who are in charge of enforcing immigration law.
  • Increase resources for federal facilities that house migrants.
  • Improve case processing within CBP (Customs and Border Protection).

It is worth explaining that after Title 42 is removed, border entities will have to revert to pre-pandemic processing, which means that the vast majority of immigrants apprehended in the border territory would remain in CBP custody rather than being expelled on grounds of health emergency.

Motion Law Immigration’s team has been preparing for years to provide you with high quality service during your immigration journey in the US. Therefore, if you need help with an immigration case of any kind, do not hesitate to Contact Us and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys.

DHS plan receives criticism from all corners

Criticism of the new DHS border plan is being heard from all corners. According to several recent reports, Republicans, Democrats and independents alike are calling for a more structured and complex plan considering that there is currently a surge of border crossings and this plan may not work.

Do you need to apply for legal documentation in the US? Or, do you need to complete a pending immigration case? Either way, the best alternative is to seek reliable help from immigration experts. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!

Judge’s order intervenes in Biden’s plan

It is still uncertain whether the DHS plan will come to fruition as a federal judge recently intervened in Biden’s decision and temporarily barred the termination of the Title 42 border rule.

If you need help with an immigration process of any kind, feel free to Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys, who have an in-depth knowledge of the local immigration system and are sure to know which option best suits your current immigration needs.

The most effective path for you

We are focused on providing you with all the possible tools you might need during your own immigration process and that is why we also keep you up to date with the latest immigration news.

Beyond that, however, our main goal is to guide you through your entire immigration journey, resolve any questions you may have and help you understand your own process.

Motion Law Immigration’s team has vast experience when it comes to all kinds of immigration processes. Therefore, if you need help with an immigration case, feel free to Contact Us and schedule a FREE Consultation with our expert attorneys, who, through years of experience, have surely helped many people in the same situation as you.

Give yourself the opportunity to complete your case in no time!

It is no secret that starting an immigration process in the US is not always the easiest task. However, our team of experts really simplifies the process for you and can provide constant accompaniment during your immigration journey. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.