Immigration News
DHS Launches New Regulations for Venezuelan Migrants
Venezuelans to face new immigration process Biden’s DHS (Department of Homeland Security) recently implemented a new process for Venezuelan migrants arriving at the southern border of the US. In an effort to address irregular migration from the southern part of the continent, especially Venezuela, Biden’s DHS created a new agreement with the Mexican government to…
Read MorePressure Mounts to Protect Dreamers
Advocates continue to call for assurances for Dreamers Immigrant rights advocates are increasing pressure to provide safeguards for young immigrants known as Dreamers. To understand the issue at hand, it is important to explain that Dreamers are young people who arrived or were brought to the US without documentation when they were minors. Do you…
Read MoreImmigration News Thursday 13th October 2022
Your Summary of Immigration News in 13th October 2022 It is not a secret that the US is the destination of thousands of foreigners annually and, being a first world country and a world power, it has a broad immigration system, which offers multiple alternatives for different communities, from foreign workers specialized in areas such…
Read MoreMexico Does Not Want to be Part of Immigration Controversy
Mexico asks not to be part of immigrant controversy Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or AMLO, recently said he plans to address the border situation so as not to be part of the political controversy. Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind in the US? Then do not hesitate to…
Read MoreIs Anyone to Blame for the Border Situation?
Is the border situation only Biden’s fault? A recent report analyzes the current border situation, in relation to the high rates of irregular migration, and answers the question of whether Biden alone is to blame for what is happening in the immigration sector. As a generative response, the report openly states that, “The current immigration…
Read MoreImmigration News Wednesday 12th October 2022
Latest Immigration News 10/12/22 The US’ immigration system usually goes through periods of change thanks to multiple circumstances and influential factors and, due to the high flow of foreigners, it has always been a fairly controversial issue among the local population. Therefore, one of the best recommendations when starting your immigration journey in the US…
Read MoreThe Border Situation Cannot Go On Like This
Something must change regarding the border situation A recent report explains how the border situation is getting worse and worse and will not improve until the federal government and neighboring nations come together to do something about it. Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind in the US? Then do not…
Read MoreReforming the Immigration System is Now a Priority
Current circumstances call for immigration reform The border situation and the alarming backlog of immigration cases throughout the US make clear the need for comprehensive immigration reform. The success of your immigration process could be just a phone call away. Feel free to Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE consultation with our…
Read MoreImmigration News Tuesday 11th October 2022
Your Summary of Immigration News in 11th October 2022 It is not a secret that the US is the destination of thousands of foreigners annually and, being a first world country and a world power, it has a fairly broad immigration system, which offers multiple alternatives for different communities, from foreign workers specialized in areas…
Read MoreMigrants Seek a New Chance
Migrants try to flee from danger A recent study shows that the vast majority of migrants arriving at or attempting to cross borders are desperately seeking to flee precarious situations in their home countries. Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind in the US? Then do not hesitate to Contact Motion…
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