Judge Blocks Trump’s Rule on Political Asylum

Federal judge blocks Trump's rule that would affect Central Americans seeking political asylum

Trump’s view on political asylum Former President Donald Trump always criticized the US immigration system and planned to modify existing processes to replace them with alternatives based on merit rather than humanitarian programs or options based on family ties. The Trump administration had a fairly strict stance when it comes to political asylum, which is…

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Thousands of Asylum Seekers Wait for Biden’s Plan to Start

Thousands of asylum seekers await their chance to enter the US

Trump’s restrictions banned asylum seekers from entering the US According to former President Donald Trump’s opinion, immigrant communities often take advantage of the immigration system to seek international protection through humanitarian programs such as political asylum using “false stories and lies.” The former president and his team stated on several occasions that alternatives for immigrants…

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Arizona Governor Discusses Immigration Policy

Arizona Governor concerned about Biden's actions on immigration

Arizona Governor concerned about Biden’s actions on immigration It is well known that one of the main proposals of the Biden administration is to lift restrictions implemented by the Trump administration on the immigration system. The current president of the US plans to initially rescind strict immigration policies in order to expand alternatives available to…

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The Biden Administration Proposes Asylee Resettlement Plan

The Biden administration unveils plan for asylum seekers under MPP

Thousands of asylum seekers wait at Mexico’s borders The Trump administration, in a tireless effort to reduce immigration in the US, used multiple tools, resources, and executive power to restrict immigration alternatives and hinder programs available to foreigners, including vulnerable populations. Speaking specifically about humanitarian alternatives, the Trump administration lowered the annual refugee limit in…

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Misinformation Among Immigrant Communities in Mexico

Smugglers deceive immigrant families at the borders

Biden’s promises give hope to immigrant communities The Biden administration’s stance on immigration has opened a door of hope for immigrant communities, especially the most vulnerable such as refugees, asylum seekers, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients, TPS (Temporary Protected Status) beneficiaries, inter alia. This is mainly due to the fact that, during the…

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The Biden Government Suspends ACAs with Northern Triangle of Central America

The Biden administration suspends ACAs with Central American countries

ACAs – Brief Explanation Since former President Trump took office in 2017, his administration tried to establish international alliances to reduce the number of asylum seekers in the US. For instance, the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) allowed the Trump administration to create accords with neighboring countries for immigrants in need of international protection to apply…

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What Will Happen to Asylum Seekers under the MPP?

Thousands of asylum seekers are still in limbo

The MPP or “Remain in Mexico” policy The Trump administration disagreed with allowing asylum seekers to reside in the US while they awaited responses to their immigration cases, which could take several months or even more than a year. Former President Trump stated on multiple occasions that immigrants take advantage of the immigration system to…

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Biden Plans to Rescind Policies Related to Political Asylum

The Biden administration plans to help the most vulnerable immigrant communities

Trump’s restrictions to hamper the political asylum process The Trump administration proposed on multiple occasions to implement a merit-based immigration system and decrease humanitarian alternatives or relief programs for the most vulnerable immigrant populations such as asylum seekers, refugees, minors who came to the US without legal documentation and foreigners from countries experiencing precarious situations.…

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DHS Suspends Immigrant Enrollment in the MPP Program

The Biden administration suspends "Remain in Mexico"

The most vulnerable immigrant communities and the Trump administration The Trump administration always tried to reduce immigration at all costs, both legal and illegal. The former president and his cabinet used all the tools and strategies at their disposal to decrease the number of foreigners entering the US, including extremely vulnerable populations such as asylum…

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Report Denounces Trump’s Asylum Policies

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democratic staff comment on ACAs

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democratic staff comment on ACAs On January 18, 2021, two days before President-elect Joe Biden took office, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democratic staff released a report denouncing Trump’s Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) and urge the Biden administration to remove these policies to protect the human rights of the most vulnerable…

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