Doctors fighting COVID-19 fear deportation

Possible deportation for foreign workers during health crisis

Foreign workers in the public health sector

With the Coronavirus’ outbreak, the health sector has endured all the pressure of trying to save as many lives as possible and mitigate the health crisis.

In addition, doctors and nurses face the constant danger of contagion, so they must protect themselves from being carriers of the virus.

It is well known that millions of foreign workers travel annually with the H-1B visa, allowing them to legally work in the country for a specified period of time.

Local businesses can request a permit from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to bring skilled workers from abroad.

During the health crisis caused by COVID-19, millions of foreign workers in the health sector are trying to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

They are the heroes of our time and have shown the courage and guts to resist while risking their lives.

The current concern of foreign doctors

One of the requirements to maintain the validity of the H-1B visa is to actively work during the time of residence in the US.

When a qualified workers stop practicing their profession for any reason, the residence permit is threatened and they face possible deportation.

Thousands of foreign doctors and nurses fear deportation because they have isolated themselves for having Coronavirus’ symptoms, even if they are mild.

Due to the pandemic, foreign workers face several situations simultaneously.

  • They constantly fight trying to save as many lives as possible and not succumb in anxiety due to the gravity of the circumstances.
  • They try to protect themselves to avoid getting the virus.
  • If they are sent home to be quarantined for an indefinite period of time, they fear deportation for not being “productive to the US.”

The repercussions if the US decides to deport them

If current immigration policies are not slightly modified to protect foreign workers during the health crisis, the country will suffer serious consequences:

  • All health workers are key players in the fight against COVID-19.
  • Millions of foreign workers are specialized in medical research, therefore they are constantly looking for a possible cure. Deporting them would mean losing researchers who could help overcome the current situation.
  • When the Coronavirus outbreak subsides, millions of workers will be needed to drive the country’s socioeconomic development and overcome the coming financial crisis.

Therefore, it is essential for the US government to review the measures implemented for foreign workers and avoid losing the great talent they bring to the country.

Furthermore, health workers are helping us to overcome the current health crisis, which is also an unprecedented chapter in the recent history of humanity.

It is our duty to honor health workers who fight every day to save our population.

Do you have a pending immigration case?

It is important to find the best alternative to process correctly any immigration case, the main recommendation is to be well informed with the help of experts.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.