Expert Proposes a Fair Immigration System

The current immigration system
Over the past four years, we have seen how the Trump administration substantially transformed the local immigration system and multiple processes changed considerably during his term. By this, we refer to legal immigration programs, and other processes such as deportation and undocumented immigrant detention system.
In fact, immigration has been an essential piece since President Trump launched his political campaign for the 2016 elections. His administration refers to immigration, both legal and illegal, as something negative, which affects the American population and harms the economy, although dozens of studies and official figures show otherwise.
In the view of the Trump administration and his cabinet, immigration:
- Decreases job opportunities for local citizens.
- Increases the unemployment rate.
- Increases the crime rate.
- Becomes an unnecessary burden on the economy and taxpayers.
- Decreases the quality of life in the US.
- Represents a threat to the local population.
Adding to that, the Trump administration states that immigrants tend to overuse local resources and benefits, which should be available to the American population.
As we mentioned above, these views have been contradicted and refuted multiple times, not only by activists, citizens, and immigrant communities, but by experts, critics, and specialists on immigration issues, including immigration attorneys.
However, the course of immigration is about to change as the American population elected the Democratic nominee as the 46th president of the US. The Biden-Harris administration has a more welcoming stance on immigration and plans to change many of Trump’s restrictive policies.
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Expert states immigrants drive Florida’s economy
Julio Fuentes founded the Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FSHCC). He states that the immigrant community is essential for the development of the economy and the creation of entrepreneurial projects, which, in the medium and long term, increase employment opportunities for the American population.
Fuentes declares that the local immigration system must be fair to foreign workers who bring innovation, talent and who are a key piece for economic growth in times of crisis.
Adding to that, he assures that immigrants currently employ more than 845,000 people just in Florida and that entrepreneurial projects led by foreigners are, for the most part, successful and profitable.
Fuentes also states that the Biden administration has an obligation to deliver on its promises when it comes to the immigration sector, fix mistakes made by the Trump administration, protect human rights of the most vulnerable immigrant communities, and offer alternatives to foreign workers. In fact, he states that “Supporting and growing America’s immigration avenues would boost our struggling economy (…) Immigrants are a critical part of the foundation of America’s economic and societal success.”
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Prepare correctly the documentation for your immigration case
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.