Express Deportations Continue, Including Minors

The health crisis and deportations
The US law states that when immigrants are detained trying to cross the borders without legal documentation, they must be taken to immigration detention centers around the country to initiate deportation proceedings or if they meet the mandatory requirements, they can appeal their cases.
Yet despite established immigration policies, the Trump administration is known for its political identity based on the ideal of reducing the number of foreigners entering the country.
In fact, President Trump believes that immigrants who attempt to cross the borders without prior authorization should not have the opportunity to appeal their cases and possibly obtain legal documentation to reside in the US.
The president declares that this could be a good lesson for immigrant communities and would help reduce illegal immigration when they know the possible repercussions.
Recently, with the arrival of the global Coronavirus pandemic in the North American territory, the current administration of the US has had the possibility to ban the entry of immigrants to the country, both legally and illegally.
The health crisis allowed the Trump administration to increase restrictions and requirements with the ideal of protecting the population and avoiding another massive outbreak of Coronavirus. Therefore, the entry of immigrants was suspended for more than two months and those who try to cross the borders illegally, are deported in a matter of hours.
Express deportations
Express deportations are allowed and used constantly in the US since the end of March 2020, when President Trump announced that the country was going through a health emergency.
This means that the procedures established for deportations are not being fully followed and immigrants are sent back to their countries in less than 90 minutes.
In fact, according to official figures released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), more than 105,000 immigrants were deported during July 2020, using expedited removals. They did not have the opportunity to appeal their cases or request refuge in the US.
Do you need help with a Deportation Case? Our experienced attorneys are here to help you.
Deportations of minors
One of the most worrying issues regarding current express deportations is unaccompanied minors who arrive to the US with the intention of requesting international protection. They flee the danger and violence of their countries or possibly their own homes.
Normally, they are taken to facilities belonging to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), where they must wait while a local judge reviews their immigration cases.
However, minors are being deported amid the health crisis, putting their lives and integrity at imminent risk.
It is important to clarify that the US law has always protected children because they are constantly victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, abuse and kidnapping.
Thus, the fact that the Trump administration allows the deportations of minors amid a global pandemic has sparked countless criticism and protests around the country.
In fact, official figures show that more than 2,000 unaccompanied minors have been removed from the US since March. In addition to that, the situation got worse when activists found out that some of them are taken to hotels around the country before being deported.
Because of this, the Trump administration is currently facing multiple lawsuits that could undermine its ideal of winning reelection in November 2020.
Avoid deportation and prepare your application correctly
It is important for you to take the time to prepare your immigration case carefully during these times of crisis.
The best alternative is to have the constant accompaniment of experts who can help you choose the process that best suits your current immigration needs.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.