Foreign Doctors Needed in the US

Coronavirus outbreak
The COVID-19 invaded every aspect of our life. It is the main concern of the world right now.
The spread of the virus is advancing very rapidly in the US and is causing discomfort in different aspects of our society.
The country has not entered the highest peak of contagion yet; although, it is already an epicenter of the virus.
We still do not fully see the repercussions of the massive contagion in the country, but we can notice several changes.
For example, the health sector is being negatively affected by the virus.
The health sector
According to the latest reports received, the US has enough medical supplies for another week, but there is a chance that we run out of resources very soon.
Health centers are extremely concerned because they cannot cope with the number of people that go every day.
The staff shortage is getting bigger. Every day, thousands of infected people are found, and this makes health workers be exhausted and worried.
Several government agencies have recommended President Trump to allow foreign medical personnel and nurses to enter and help local workers.
Many countries have offered to send their professional health personnel to attend the US emergency.
Also, the country’s doctors and nurses are asking for help to take care of all the people who need it.
The circumstances are severe now and we must try to use other ways to ease the burden on local doctors.
Immigrants in the health sector
The US’ health system has been very supported by immigrants during the past few years.
In fact, figures show that 17% of medical personnel are immigrants and 1 in 4 doctors (at least) is an immigrant as well.
Therefore, in a moment of urgency like this, it is important to accept foreign aid in order to meet the needs of patients and save as many lives as possible.
We must begin to see the positive side of immigration in order to appreciate the benefits they bring to our society.
Immigration policies could be modified, even temporarily, to be able to use foreign aid and overcome this challenge in the best way possible.
Foreign doctors
Government agencies propose that we use H and J visas to bring in all foreign doctors who want to help the US in the current crisis.
The official statement says the following: “We encourage medical professionals who wish to work in the United States or participate in an exchange program, especially those working to treat COVID-19 or to counter its effects, to contact the embassy. or nearest consulate (in their countries) to request an appointment ”
The government is currently analyzing whether measures to change immigration policies should be adjusted due to the Coronavirus as well.
Immigration processes are continuing their normal course for now through virtual applications.
If you are willing to apply to any H or J visa, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.