Frustration Among Allies and Opponents Over Biden’s Immigration Practices

Supporters and opponents criticize Biden’s immigration management
Both supporters and opponents of Biden’s campaign have criticized his immigration decisions during his first year in office.
His administration talks about some unexpected circumstances that have changed the policy agenda on immigration, but that does not diminish the criticism it has received.
Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind? Seeking professional help is undoubtedly the best alternative to protect your future. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!
Republican comments
Republican opponents pointed out, since Biden launched his political campaign, that making sharp modifications to Trump’s immigration rules could spell trouble, especially because they are hard-line policies.
Despite still maintaining several immigration rules implemented by Trump, opponents of the current administration state that the change in local policies has influenced the growing number of irregular crossings at the US southern border.
Our team has been preparing for years to be able to provide high quality service during your immigration journey in the US. Feel free to Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and take advice from our experienced attorneys!
The loss of support during Biden’s term in office
Several Democrats and immigration advocacy groups have also pointed to some of Biden’s decisions such as:
- Maintaining Title 42, which allows for expedited removal of undocumented immigrants apprehended by federal agents at the borders. This measure, which was put in place by Trump in the midst of the Covid-19 health emergency, has remained in place longer than expected with the authorization of the Biden administration.
- The extension of the MPP (Migrant Protection Protocols). Although the Biden administration attempted to eliminate this measure twice, a Court of Appeals ordered its reimplementation.
However, beyond reinstating it, Biden extended immigration categories that force more immigrants seeking political asylum to remain in Mexico.
After a year as peculiar as 2021 and in the midst of a gigantic immigration-related controversy, this is still the right time to start your immigration journey in the US. Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys!
Events that have transformed the border environment
After the first Coronavirus outbreak, events such as the genocide in Haiti, the political crisis in Afghanistan and the increased conditions of vulnerability in Central American countries have caused the immigration landscape to change substantially, increasing the pressure and expectations on the Biden administration.
Irregular migration will not allow you to have guarantees for your future. It is best to seek reliable help from experts and follow the legal guidelines established by the local immigration system. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!
The immigration sector’s plan for the future
DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Secretary, along with other Democratic leaders, have made it clear that Biden’s closest course of action is aimed at improving conditions for refugees and expediting visa processing in different categories.
The professional help you need for your immigration process is just a phone call away – Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and get expert immigration advice!
Follow the advice of our experienced attorneys during your immigration journey
If you, a family member, or a friend need help with an immigration case, then feel free to contact Motion Law Immigration today and schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Our team will be happy to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.
Please contact Motion Law Immigration today at: (202) 918-1799.