Immigration News Friday 28th January 2022

Your Summary of Immigration News in 28th January, 2022
This is undoubtedly the best time to start your immigration journey, always following the advice of experts and the legal guidelines established by the local immigration system.
Seeking professional help when starting or completing your immigration process is extremely important now, mainly because the immigration sector has undergone a number of prominent changes in recent years.
Feel free to Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our attorneys, who have vast experience when dealing with all kinds of immigration cases and have surely helped many people in the same situation as you.
Other than that, here is the immigration news recap for Friday, January 28, 2022:
The important work of foreigners in the healthcare sector
The immigration sector plays an important role in the local healthcare system, as there are currently a significant number of healthcare workers in the state of Minnesota and across the US. To learn more about this news, click here.
More job opportunities for foreign students in STEM fields
The Biden administration announced an expansion of the list of degrees that can qualify for employment permits after completing studies in the US. To learn more about this news, click here.
Political accountability to the immigration sector
The differing political positions of those participating in the US Congress may be affecting the construction of a comprehensive immigration policy, according to experts on the subject. To learn more about this news, click here.
In other news…
More H-2B visas will be available
The US government recently announced that it will issue 20,000 more H-2B visas to meet the needs of the local market. To learn more about this news, click here.
Other countries are gaining
Countries like Germany and Canada are taking all the foreign potential and talent while American companies are begging for better immigration policies. To learn more about this news, click here.
Mayorkas comments on immigration policies
The Secretary of DHS (Department of Homeland Security) recently stated that the country must end cruel immigration policies once and for all. To learn more about this news, click here.
Now is the time to start your immigration process!
We want to help you fulfill your dreams in the US through the immigration process that best suits your current needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our expert immigration attorneys, who have vast experience with all kinds of immigration cases and will surely know which is the best alternative for your particular case.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.