Immigration News Monday 14th February, 2022

Latest Immigration News 02/14/22
Our team of experts has been preparing for years to be able to provide constant accompaniment throughout your entire immigration process and has assisted people with all kinds of immigration cases, so they very surely know what is the alternative that best suits your current needs.
Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced immigration attorneys!
Other than that, here is the immigration news recap for Monday, February 14, 2022:
Advocacy groups launch immigration recognition campaign
Immigration advocacy groups launch a campaign that seeks to raise awareness of the important role immigrant populations play in the US economy. To learn more about this news, click here.
Support grows for pro-immigrant campaign
More and more people are joining the “Day Without Immigrants” campaign, which seeks to raise awareness of the important role that foreign workers play in national economic stability. To learn more about this news, click here.
USCIS changes language included by Trump in its mission statement
The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently made an adjustment to the language used in its mission statement, which outlines the agency’s work. To learn more about this news, click here.
In other news…
2021: The largest decline in immigration levels
During 2021, in the midst of the global Coronavirus pandemic, the US had the lowest levels of legal migration in the last decade. To learn more about this news, click here.
Filling labor gaps through immigration
A recent report comments on the importance of attracting workers from abroad, both skilled and unskilled, to effectively address national labor shortages. To learn more about this news news, click here.
Ameican population dissatisfied with immigration
A recent survey reveals that dissatisfaction among the American population with immigration levels has grown considerably over the last year, especially when it comes to irregular migration and the border situation. To learn more about this news, click here.
Give yourself the opportunity to migrate safely!
We want to help you fulfill your dreams in the US through the immigration process that best suits your current needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our expert immigration attorneys, who have vast experience with all kinds of immigration cases and will surely know which is the best alternative for your particular case.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.