Immigration News Wednesday 12th October 2022

Latest Immigration News 10/12/22
The US’ immigration system usually goes through periods of change thanks to multiple circumstances and influential factors and, due to the high flow of foreigners, it has always been a fairly controversial issue among the local population.
Therefore, one of the best recommendations when starting your immigration journey in the US is to seek reliable help from professionals in the field. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!
Other than that, here is the immigration news recap for Wednesday, October 12, 2022:
Current circumstances call for immigration reform
The border situation and the alarming backlog of immigration cases throughout the US make clear the need for comprehensive immigration reform. To learn more about this news, click here.
Something must change regarding the border situation
A recent report explains how the border situation is getting worse and worse and will not improve until the federal government and neighboring nations come together to do something about it. To learn more about this news, click here.
US must fix its immigration system
According to an expert’s opinion on the subject, the US is behaving “incompetently” when it comes to immigration and the processing of cases across the country. To learn more about this news, click here.
In other news…
Who is to blame for the border situation?
A recent report analyzes the border situation and answers the question of whether Biden is the only one to blame. To learn more about this news, click here.
Mexico wants to get out of immigration discussions
Mexico is trying to get out of the immigration discussions in the run-up to the midterm elections. To learn more about this news, click here.
Efforts before the elections
Immigrant rights advocates are playing the last-ditch effort before the midterm elections. To learn more about this news, click here.
Today is the perfect day to start your immigration journey
We want to help you fulfill your dreams in the US through the immigration process that best suits your current needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our expert immigration attorneys, who have vast experience with all kinds of immigration cases and will surely know which is the best alternative for your particular case.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.