Labor Organizers Call for Protection for Undocumented Workers

The constant fear of deportation
There are currently more than 11 million immigrants residing in the US undocumented. Throughout history, irregular immigration has always been a contentious issue among the American population and different political parties.
Despite the controversy, undocumented immigrants have also become an essential part of the local workforce, the social fabric and the national economy. This is because, in most cases, foreigners enter the US without prior authorization because they either need to protect their lives or to seek new opportunities to support their families. As a result, they have become essential workers in all sorts of sectors.
That is why the Biden administration is currently promoting comprehensive immigration reform in Congress to open a path to legal residency and eventually citizenship for millions of undocumented foreigners, especially those who are essential workers.
It is worth mentioning that, regardless of whether Biden can achieve comprehensive reform or not, migrating irregularly represents an imminent risk due to multiple factors. For instance, undocumented workers do not always have job guarantees, fair wages or protection of any kind, which leaves them in social limbo and does not allow them to fully integrate into American society.
On top of that, a large portion of undocumented workers must accept minimal and precarious living conditions out of constant fear of deportation, which is an unnecessary worry.
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Labor organizers want to offer deferred action to undocumented workers
In Nevada, several labor organizers are reporting a growing number of foreign workers who are going through labor abuse due to lack of legal immigration status. They state that local employers often use undocumented immigrants to pay lower wages and threaten to report them to immigration enforcement agencies if they ask for better working conditions or try to report safety and health violations or labor abuse.
The director of Arriba Las Vegas Workers Center, an organization dedicated to protecting the rights of foreign workers, stated that the US law protects the rights of all workers, regardless of their immigration status, and therefore undocumented immigrants should be able to report any labor abuse. However, the constant fear of deportation often keeps them from seeking help or raising their voices to demand fair working conditions.
Therefore, Nevada labor organizers are creating a joint effort to call for deferred action to protect undocumented workers from deportation, who have been victims of labor abuse, unfair working conditions or precarious situations with local employers.
As one might realize, migrating irregularly is an extremely dangerous journey for you and your beloved ones. Thus, it is important to learn about the alternatives available for your particular case and always follow the legal guidelines established by the local immigration system. Feel free to Contact Motion Law and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced immigration attorneys!
Avoid precarious situations and migrate safely!
If you, a family member, or a friend need help with an immigration case, please contact Motion Law today to schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Our team will be happy to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.
Please contact Motion Law Immigration today at: (202) 918-1799.