Lawmaker Introduces Proposal to Halt Immigration

The Biden Administration and Its Vision on Immigration
The immigration sector has been a pillar and a priority for the last two administrations of the US, but in a diametrically opposite way. Former President Trump used all the tools at his disposal to reduce immigration, both legal and illegal, while the current president, Joe Biden, plans to reform current policies to expand alternatives available to different immigrant populations, stating that the presence of foreigners is extremely positive for the economy, even more so now in times of crisis.
The Biden administration has already introduced an immigration bill for Congress approval, which would substantially transform the immigration sector in the US and offer permanent solutions to immigrants residing in the country undocumented or who have access only to temporary benefits such as deportation relief programs.
Since both Trump’s and Biden’s opinions tend to be quite opposite when it comes to immigration, it also causes opposition groups to take stricter positions and try to intervene in immigration projects.
For instance, the Biden administration is facing a gigantic challenge regarding immigration as Congress is currently reviewing its immigration bill and at the same time there is a substantial increase in the number of undocumented immigrants apprehended at the US borders, allowing opposition groups to seize the opportunity to contradict and challenge its immigration plans.
Do you need help with an immigration case? It is essential for you to follow the advice of experienced attorneys. Contact Motion Law Immigration today!
Lawmaker introduces bill to substantially curb immigration
On March 12, 2021, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican member of the US House of Representatives, introduced the “Protect America First Act,” which proposes to halt immigration completely for a considerable period of time.
When introducing this immigration bill, Congresswoman Taylor openly stated that “Joe Biden is rewarding human traffickers and coyotes who smuggle illegal aliens across the border. My bill will end these Democrat-created incentives by stopping all immigration during the Biden administration.”
If Congress passes Taylor’s proposal, this law would:
- Expedite removal processes in the US.
- Increase operations to detain undocumented immigrants within the US and deport them in the shortest possible time.
- End programs like DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and DAPA (Deferred Action on Parental Accountability).
- Pass a moratorium on the entire immigration system for the next four years.
- Allow the financing and construction of the border wall.
As a result, Congress currently faces big decisions on the immigration sector due to multiple bills introduced or reintroduced by members of the US House of Representatives, aside from Biden’s immigration bill.
It is important to follow the advice of experts during your immigration process!
Despite the debate that is taking place in Congress regarding the immigration proposals from Biden and opposition groups, if you follow legal guidelines correctly, submit the necessary documentation and meet eligibility requirements, then you will not have to face precarious situations during your immigration process.
It is indeed important to keep up with immigration news, but only so that you can make assertive decisions and choose the right process for your particular immigration case.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.