National Survey on the Separation of Immigrant Families

The reason for mass immigration
We all are going through difficult times right now.
Families all over the world are constantly looking for resources to have a more dignified life and more opportunities for the future.
We live in a world that has vast differences in well-being and comfort between countries and communities.
There are countries where people have a good quality of life, access to work and education, and violence rates are not as high as in other countries.
We also have countries where fear is the most continuous feeling among people since poverty and violence constantly challenge the communities.
It is reasonable that people from marginalized countries want to go to other countries to be able to start a new life, create projects and feel the security that any human being should feel.
Separation of Immigrant Families
Immigrants around the world have always focused in the US.
The current administration repeatedly declares that immigration is a problem for society in general. Therefore, to curb illegal immigration, extreme measures have been taken latelly.
Immigrants who want to apply for asylum are being held at the borders with Mexico. However, according to the US Supreme Court of Justice, security entities cannot capture a minor for more than 72 hours in a row.
That is why, when a child reaches the border and cannot be detained, he is separated from his parents and sent to an immigrant juvenile detention center.
The separation process can be very damaging to the emotional development of an infant.
Separation damage
Psychology professor Wade C. Rowatt of Baylor University mentions: “Previous research shows that immigrant children separated from their mothers in the same detention centers report more emotional problems than the detained children who were not separated. In addition, the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among detained immigrant children was higher than the lifetime prevalence among United States adolescents.”
Separating families can create irreparable and irreversible harm to the infant and also to the family.
Many of the circumstances of separation are rough and in most cases, adult family members do not know where the minors are located.
Many internal social conflicts have raised due to this immigration policy because it can be seen as a violation of human rights.
National Survey on Family Separation
To measure what the community thinks about immigrants being returned to Mexico’s borders and retention centers, a national survey was recently conducted.
Also, to analyze what the community thinks about forced family separation at the borders, a citizen survey was carried out.
Citizens who completed the survey disagree 90% with the separation of families at the border.
This can give us insight into how the community actually thinks.
Sometimes it seems that the government has made decisions slightly impulsively in the rush to cut immigration and the repercussions of these policies can be serious for future generations.
It is essential to follow a correct protocol with any immigration issue, that’s why if you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Alternatively, simply call Motion Law today at: (202)918-1799