Official Data Contradicts Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Official data contradicts anti-immigration conjecture
A recent report explains how official CBP (Customs and Border Protection) data directly contradicts the anti-immigrant conjecture of certain political leaders.
To understand the problem at hand, it is important to explain that there are certain rumors that blame immigrants for complicated border situations such as drug trafficking and even human trafficking.
However, these conjectures are rarely related to significant facts or reliable sources and that is why experts in the field look for official data to show the real picture.
Now is the right time to start your immigration journey, but with the help of professionals. Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our expert attorneys, who, through years of experience, have assisted many people with all kinds of immigration processes.
The narrative behind hardline policies
Dozens of experts openly state that hard-line policies that seek to restrict immigration are primarily related to lack of information and what they call, “the demonization of immigrants.”
They explain that anti-immigrant narratives usually have behind them a political interest that neglects the fact that the US has been, throughout its entire history, a nation composed of native communities and immigrant communities from all parts of the world.
Irregular migration will not allow you to have guarantees for your future. It is best to seek reliable help from experts and follow the legal guidelines established by the local immigration system. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!
The real impact of immigrant communities
Our team likes to keep up with the latest immigration news and local policy changes, and we can say with confidence that there are dozens of recent research and studies that reveal that the role of immigrant communities on the American socioeconomic fabric is one of the pillars of national balance.
If you are looking for professional guidance for an immigration case of any kind, you have found the perfect team for you! Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys, who have handled all types of immigration proceedings and have surely helped many people in the same situation as you.
The only way to protect your future
One could easily realize that it is irregular migration what creates the most social debate, not the immigration sector as a whole. Therefore, it becomes evident that the best way to protect your process and present a strong case is to respect existing programs and follow reliable guidance.
Need help with an immigration process? Our team is highly qualified to provide you with constant accompaniment throughout your immigration journey, regardless of your particular case. Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys!
We are here to help you
We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.