Presidential Candidates Defend Immigration

Some candidates for the 2020 presidential elections say they want to change the country’s immigration and deportation measures.
Current government
President Donald Trump has been in office since 2017.
One of the biggest impulses of his presidential campaign was the focus on immigration.
Since the beginning of his mandate, he made many decisions regarding immigrants (both legal and illegal), affecting the future of immigration in the country.
Some of Trump’s policies regarding immigration
- Trump’s administration has delayed the process on applications for entry and residence in the US.
- Deportation processes are becoming faster and often irreversible.
- Immigrants applying for Asylum cannot remain in the country while waiting for a response from the government about their cases.
- Children are separated from their families and taken to juvenile detention centers.
- Residence request processes have increased between 2 and 3 years of waiting time.
- Sponsors go through arduous processes to make requests.
- Border forces are constantly searching for illegal residents to capture and deport them.
- Many social aids for immigrants were threatened or even canceled.
- Appeals by immigrant advocates are rarely heard.
The defense
During Trump’s presidency, immigrant rights advocates have complained about many of the decisions made.
Even the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit declared that many of the policies established so far by the Trump government are “arbitrary and capricious.”
The new elections
The candidates for the presidency in 2020 elections are trying to propose radical changes for immigration processes.
They (for the most part) mention that current policies can harm human rights and the protective sovereignty of the US.
New Candidates and immigration
We are going to take a look at the main candidates for the presidency and their points of view regarding the immigration processes (legal and illegal).
All the candidates gathered on Sunday, March 15 to discuss issues for the upcoming elections.
Joe Biden
He belongs to the Democratic Party.
He is known as he was Vice President of former President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017.
Biden repeatedly states that current immigration policies do not help prevent illegal immigration, but rather encourage it.
Biden’s position on Immigration
- Biden wants the country to be a safe place for all immigrants who need help.
- He assures that during the FIRST 100 DAYS of his mandate no one will be deported.
- Biden says he will only deport immigrants who commit a felony.
- He wants to “fire” any employee from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) who wants to deport an immigrant who did not commit a felony.
Over the past few days, some political leaders have raised their voices against Biden’s proposals regarding deportation.
Tulsi Gabbard
She belongs to the Democratic Party.
Gabbard is the strongest woman likely to win the presidency of the US this year.
She states that current immigration policies are hurting many families.
Gabbard’s position on immigration
- She wants to do everything possible to stop the separation of families at the border.
- Gabbard reiterates that the country must protect youth who have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
- Gabbard’s strongest approach to immigration is literally “creating comprehensive immigration reform.”
Bernie Sanders
He belongs to the Democratic Party.
Sanders literally says on his website: “I believe we must stand up for our values and accept refugees, asylum-seekers, and families who come to the United States in search of the American Dream”
Sanders’ position on immigration
- He wants to reestablish and expand Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
- A thorough analysis must be done before performing any deportation.
- He wants to reunite families that have been separated.
- Close the deportation centers that he calls “inhuman”.
- Create a nation that welcomes refugees and immigrants seeking asylum.
Bill weld
He belongs to the Republican Party.
Weld compared Trump’s administration to the Nazis in Germany in several interviews.
Weld’s position on immigration
- Weld wants to increase the number of H-1B visas for workers and investors.
- He wants to offer possibilities to grant more legal citizenships and avoid illegal workers who now exceed 11,000,000 in the country.
As we can notice, finding the correct information on who will be our new president for the next 4 years is the key for possible changes in immigration policies.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in Progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Alternatively, simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799