Study Challenges New Restrictions for International Students

NFAP conducts study that contradicts Trump's proposal to limit student visas

Restrictions on immigration during the health crisis

It is no secret that the Trump administration constantly refers to immigration, both legal and illegal, as something negative for the economic system.

President Trump argues that mass immigration can become an unnecessary burden on the American population and creates job competition between citizens and foreigners. Therefore, the current administration opts for a stricter stance, increasing restrictions and requirements for foreigners to come to the US.

In fact, since the arrival of the global Coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration has implemented multiple emergency measures that directly affect the local immigration system, this also includes the education sector.

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Restrictions for foreign students

It is important to clarify that foreign students are an essential part of the country’s educational system. In fact, their contribution is not only economic, but they also bring talent, innovation, entrepreneurship, skills, leadership, inspiration, effort, inter alia.

However, the Trump administration has tried to reduce the number of foreign students entering the country annually. For instance, only during the health crisis, President Trump proposed:

  • In early July 2020, the Trump administration declared that international students had to attend a portion of face-to-face classes during the fall to avoid deportation proceedings.
    However, the government revoked this rule shortly after proposing it.
  • In September 2020, the Trump administration announced that it plans to implement a new rule, which states that foreign students will have permits with a fixed period of stay.
    Normally, foreign students can remain in the US until they complete their studies, without a fixed period of stay. However, the current administration proposes to issue visas for foreign students and journalists only for two years, with the possibility of extension for up to four years.

The Trump administration argues that this rule will prevent foreigners from taking advantage of current circumstances and continuing to reside without legal documentation after completing their studies or projects (this rule applies only to 59 countries).

To know more details about this rule: Trump Government Increases Restrictions for Foreign Students

Study challenges Trump administration’s restrictions on foreign students

The National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) recently conducted a study called “International Students and DHS Data.”

Broadly speaking, the NFAP states that the Trump administration intends to prevent foreign students from exceeding their stay in the US by using flawed data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The official statement declares: “Reports upon which the regulation relies are flawed for policymaking purposes and should not be the basis for rulemaking on international students.”

The study exposes that the DHS data does not show actual numbers of foreigners who overstayed in the US after completing their studies or projects, but rather refers to foreigners who possibly left the country but were not traced by the DHS and who possibly changed their immigration status.

After conducting the study, NFAP concludes that “The administration is knowingly relying on flawed reports as a pretext for its overall policy and to limit the admission periods for students from specific countries in the proposed rule.”

In addition to that, the study reveals that if the Trump administration implements this rule, immigration processes will be delayed even more, which would greatly harm the local education system.

Do you need help with an immigration case?

Immigration processes need constant dedication. Therefore, the best alternative is to seek reliable help to organize the documentation in the best possible way and get a positive response.

In addition to that, immigration is constantly changing in the US and it is essential to follow the advice of experts, who are up to date with current policies and who can guide you towards the success of your application.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.