Temporary Suspension of H-2A visas and its repercussions

H-2A visas temporarily suspended
Due to the global situation we are facing with the COVID-19, many visas have been temporarily suspended in the US.
The H-2A visa
This permission to enter the country is used to bring skilled workers to work in local agriculture.
Workers are brought from Mexico during planting and harvesting seasons. They work in crops to later supply the local community.
The local employer is in charge of making the request to the US government to bring in qualified farmers.
The employer must complete Form I-129 (Nonimmigrant Worker Petition) and send the petition to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for approval.
The Impact of Coronavirus on H-2A Visas
Given the circumstances we face with the pandemic, most visas and entry permits to the country have been temporarily suspended.
This helps the government in two ways:
- Mitigate the massive spread of the coronavirus.
- Decrease the number of immigrants entering the US.
The current government has wanted to reduce immigration since the beginning, therefore, this is an opportunity to ban thousands of immigrants from entering the country.
The H-2A visa that allows farmworkers to enter the country has been temporarily suspended as well.
What are the repercussions of suspending the H-2A visa?
There are several negative repercussions on the temporary suspension of the H-2nd visa.
- Last Tuesday, the Secretary of Agriculture of the US stated that he will allow only a portion of foreign farmers to enter the country since he understands that the demand is very high right now.
The percentage that will allow compared to previous years is between 40% and 50%. This amount won’t be enough for local farms. - The reason farmworkers come to the US is because there are no local workers who can supply the needs of that market. Therefore, the demand for agricultural trade will decline considerably in the country.
- Normally, local employers do not bring 1 or 2 workers from abroad. They request permission to bring dozens of employees during planting seasons. Therefore, local farmers are very concerned about not being able to achieve their labor obligations.
- The borders have been closed due to the spread of the Coronavirus and many countries have stopped exporting food. Thus, if countries with large agricultural markets stop shipping their merchandise to the country, local markets could help supply the American population.
- Also, workers will lose the opportunity to work in the US and earn a better salary.
What is the solution?
There are multiple ways to obtain a work permit in the US.
You can apply for entry and residence to the country as long as you have the correct orientation.
Sometimes we only know a portion of the permits offered by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and that is why it is more advisable to have the specialized immigration guide.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in Progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.