The SEP Presidential Candidate Comments on Student Visa Restrictions

Joseph Kishore talks about Trump's restrictions

Restrictions on student visas

One of the most discussed topics over the course of this week regarding immigration is the restrictions implemented by the Trump government on student visas.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency announced earlier this week that international students are not allowed to attend institutions that only offer virtual classes during the fall period.

If that is the case, they must transfer to another institution and have a portion of face-to-face classes. Otherwise, they could be deported.

In addition to that, the Department of State (DOS) declared that it will not issue new student visas to foreigners who plan to attend only virtual classes.

This decision has sparked huge controversy, and the current administration of the US has received countless criticisms regarding this new restriction.

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The SEP Presidential Candidate raises his voice

On Wednesday July 8, 2020, Joseph Kishore, the presidential candidate for the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) raised his voice against the restrictions implemented by the Trump government on student visas.

The official statement, called “Hands off International Students!, declares that the current administration of the US plans to harm innocent foreigners, increasing restrictions amid the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Kishore declares that “the SEP insists on the right of students, youth, and workers to study wherever they choose regardless of nationality”.

In addition to that, he mentions that there are approximately 900,000 foreigners currently residing in the country on a student visa, and reducing that amount or deporting them would affect the education sector of the US.

Our experienced immigration attorneys can help you with your Deportation Case.

The main arguments of the official statement

The presidential nominee assures that the Trump government has implemented several emergency measures in recent months arguing that it intends to protect the economy and reactivate the most important market sectors.

However, threatening to deport thousands of foreigners holding a student visa only hurts the economy of the education sector.

The economic repercussion could be very negative for the most important universities in the country that benefit greatly from international students, not only because of the investment they make to come to the US, but also because of the competitiveness, talent, innovation and inspiration they bring.

In addition to that, thousands of foreign students are part of the technology, research, and entrepreneurship sector. That is why they could also be a key piece to overcome the economic crisis that the country is going through due to the massive outbreak of Coronavirus.

If you have any question regarding your Student Visa, feel free to contact Motion Law Immigration.

The Trump government’s response

The Trump administration has yet to respond to this criticism. However, it is essential for the current administration to review in detail recent restrictions on immigration to avoid negative repercussions.

In addition to that, it is important to remember that the US presidential election is nearby and the Trump administration is seeking reelection. The series of emergency measures used by the president could spark global controversy and possibly intervene in the decision of the local population.

Reliable help for your specific case

In these uncertain and changing times, it is essential for you to have a professional advice regarding any immigration case. Also, if you want to submit an immigration application for the first time, it is best that you follow the process correctly and avoid possible rejection.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.