TPS Beneficiaries Celebrate DHS Decision

DHS extends TPS to 6 countries
The US immigration system offers an alternative for vulnerable immigrant communities called Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Broadly speaking, the TPS protects immigrants from countries that are experiencing precarious situations such as ongoing armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters, inter alia.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is in charge of choosing the TPS beneficiary countries and deciding for how long they will receive international protection through this program. Citizens of these countries, already residing in the US, can apply for TPS if they meet mandatory requirements.
Due to the global Coronavirus pandemic and natural disasters that have taken place during the last few months in Central America, DHS decided to extend TPS for 6 countries until October 2021. These countries had until January 2021 and DHS had not announced whether or not their permit would be extended, so this news is truly positive for TPS beneficiaries.
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TPS beneficiaries relieved by DHS decision
The fact that DHS decided to extend TPS for these countries is a door of hope for thousands of immigrants protected by this humanitarian program.
It is important to understand that this news is truly positive for TPS beneficiaries because the Trump administration has never been in favor of this immigration program and has wanted to remove it on multiple occasions. In fact, in September 2020, a Court of Appeals allowed the Trump administration to remove TPS from benefits offered to immigrants in the US .
Therefore, immigrants covered by TPS, especially those who had protection until January 2021, were asking the government for help to be able to stay in North America and not return to dangerous environments in their countries.
Uncertainty was present among these immigrant communities as the Trump administration had no comment after the court ruling and because the president’s stance when it comes to immigration is rather strict and restrictive. They assumed that they would have to face deportation proceedings and risk their lives in dangerous situations.
Adding to that, with Democratic nominee Joe Biden winning the November 3 presidential election, the most vulnerable immigrant communities feared the Trump administration would use the last few weeks in office to restrict immigration and worsen conditions for asylum seekers and those covered by humanitarian programs.
Therefore, the DHS decision definitely opens a new path for immigrants in the US, who are expecting a radical change on current immigration policies with the Biden administration, who will take office in January 2021.
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Motion Law for your immigration case
It is no secret that the Trump administration’s approach to immigration has substantially restructured the local immigration system in recent years.
Therefore, it is essential to follow the advice of reliable experts when submitting an immigration application, who are up to date with current policies and will guide you through every step of the way.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.