Trump Persists in His Intent to Remove DACA

DACA on a tightrope
Since President Trump took office in 2017, he has attempted to remove several programs offered to immigrants in the US. Most of these immigrant benefits were established during the term of Barack Obama.
One of these programs is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which protects immigrants from deportation if they came to the US without legal documentation when they were minors (commonly known as “Dreamers”).
With DACA, they are protected for two years (with the possibility of renewal) and can obtain temporary work permits, a social security number (SSN), driver’s licenses and many other social benefits.
However, due to the ideals of Trump’s government regarding immigration, there has been a constant fight about DACA for the past three years, as the president wants to remove the program, but immigrant rights advocates have filed multiple legal complaints.
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The Supreme Court of Justice intervened in the DACA controversy
The controversy was so great that the US Supreme Court of Justice decided to intervene in November, 2019, and announced that it would give a definitive answer regarding the future of DACA in June, 2020.
To the fortune of thousands of young immigrants protected by DACA, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the program and rejected President Trump’s request to remove DACA from benefits offered to immigrants in the US.
The Trump administration wants to start the process to remove DACA again
Recently, the current administration of the US stated that it plans to restart the process to remove DACA from programs offered to immigrants.
The Trump administration believes that any individual crossing the borders illegally should not have the possibility of obtaining legal residence in the US, not even minors.
In addition to that, the president assures that the Supreme Court of Justice gave him several reasons to be able to start the process again.
For instance:
- The Court declared that Trump’s arguments were not enough to approve the cancellation of a program like DACA that protects more than 700,000 immigrants.
- The Court did not clarify at any time that DACA is a legal program and/or protected by law, but that the arguments presented were not enough.
Therefore, the Trump government wants to request the removal of DACA again, this time presenting more forceful, solid and accurate arguments.
It is important to remember that the US presidential elections will take place in November, 2020, and the DACA controversy could intervene in the decision of the population.
Get good advice for your immigration application
It is well known that recent changes in immigration policies have been sudden and have significantly modified the country’s main immigration processes.
Therefore, the most appropriate solution if you have an active immigration case or are about to submit an application to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), is to seek reliable help to avoid precarious situations.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.