Trump’s Government Offers Monetary Aid to Central America

Trump offers $252 million to Central America

The US government offers $ 252 million to some Central American countries

Since President Trump took office in 2017, he has consistently strived to reduce illegal immigration in the US.

The current administration presents several main arguments that explain its intention to reduce illegal immigration.

Let’s see some of them:

  • Illegal immigration promotes clandestine work (without legal documentation).
  • Immigrants use vital resources that should be available to legal citizens.
  • Most undocumented immigrants do not pay taxes but they do use the social benefits offered to the population.
  • Undocumented immigrants take the opportunity to reside illegally in the US while waiting for a response to their immigration requests (which is normally political asylum).
  • Undocumented immigrants use the benefits offered by the health system.

Thus, the current administration of the US believes that reducing illegal immigration would benefit the country’s economic system and boost social development.

Apart from that, the Trump government states that illegal immigration is not going to decrease unless Central American countries implement strategies to prevent their population from migrating massively.

For more immigration news, please click here.

The Central American quality of life

The Trump government ensures that one of the reasons why thousands of Central American immigrants go to the US without legal documentation is because the quality of life offered by the governments is not good enough for the population to feel satisfied and safe.

Therefore, President Trump decided to grant $252 million to several Central American countries so that they invest in social security and improve the quality of life for their local population.

The beneficiary countries are:

  • El Salvador.
  • Guatemala.
  • Honduras.

Another reason why the current administration decided to help these countries is because they have committed to receive immigrants deported from the US during the health crisis and have made agreements with President Trump to reduce mass migration.

On top of that, the Secretary of State (Mike Pompeo) declares that this will bring many benefits for the US as well.

In fact, he stated: “I have recently informed Congress about the Administration’s intention to deliver $ 252 million in aid from the United States abroad to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. This aid will promote US national security and further the President’s goal of reducing illegal immigration”.

Illegal immigration is not a reliable path

It is important to avoid illegal immigration at all costs. There are many ways in which you can apply for legal entry and residence in the US and there is always a reliable solution for each case.

In addition to that, we recommend for you to seek specialized help to find the best solution for your specific immigration case.

If you need help with an Immigration Case, please click here.

The current restrictions of Trump’s government

In light of the health crisis caused by the Coronavirus, the Trump government has implemented multiple restrictions on immigration and we must find effective ways to present immigration cases to avoid inconvenience or rejection by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.