USCIS Offices Remain Closed

Extended closure for USCIS offices
The US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is the entity in charge of processing requests for entry and residence in the country.
Due to the massive spread of COVID-19, the USCIS offices closed since March 18, 2020 and they were supposed to resume face-to-face services on April 7.
However, the US is crossing the worst stage of contagion of the Coronavirus at the moment, there are more than 82,000 confirmed cases.
The country has already exceeded the number of infected people from China and Italy, which are the main epicenters of the virus.
Therefore, due to the country’s circumstances, the USCIS offices will continue to be closed at least until April 18.
That date could change depending on the improvement in global health.
The important thing about knowing this information is that we can take the right decisions regarding all aspects of our daily life.
That’s why we want to show you the positive side of this situation, so your immigration process is not negatively affected by the circumstances we are going through.
Changes in USCIS processes
The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the best protection is social isolation and personal hygiene.
Therefore, the only major change is that face-to-face appointments have been postponed to avoid spreading the virus.
For any other scenario, USCIS continues to function with the requests and applications.
How can you submit an application now?
Currently, all applications are being received virtually . You can send your request with the required documents and information and wait for a response.
Thus, we want to tell you that you do not have to worry because your immigration process will continue its normal course.
The only repercussion of the offices closure is that your audience may be postponed for a couple of weeks.
However, that can also be positive in two ways:
- You can seek specialized help to organize your case correctly and present it in the best way for it to be successful.
- There is a very good chance that they will start doing all the audiences virtually. If that is the case, then you will have your appointment in less time.
The report on this is not official yet, but that possibility is already being considered.
Follow the process correctly!
In light of everything that is happening in the world, it is the appropriate time to unite as society and work together to help each other.
Therefore, if you have an immigration process, the best thing to do is to seek expert help to avoid getting a negative answer for your case.
In this way you ensure that your case is in good hands and the probability to obtain legal residence in the US is greater.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.