Washington Decides to Help Undocumented Immigrants

The fight of immigrant rights advocates
Since the arrival of the global Coronavirus pandemic in the US, hundreds of immigrant rights advocates have raised their voices, asking for help for people currently residing in the country without legal documentation.
In the opinion of activists, undocumented immigrants are a fundamental part of the local market and are the main workforce in sectors such as:
- Construction.
- Food transportation.
- Small markets.
- The US food supply chain.
On top of that, they state that most undocumented immigrants pay the required annual taxes in order to request their legal documentation, otherwise, their application could be rejected.
Thus, immigrant rights advocates argue that they contribute not only to socioeconomic development by working in important sectors of production, but also contribute to the government funds when they pay taxes.
However, the Trump administration takes a different stance on immigrants crossing borders without prior authorization.
President Trump argues that undocumented immigrant communities should not have the opportunity to obtain legal residency, or receive government assistance during the health crisis, as that would only spark illegal immigration.
Therefore, undocumented immigrants have not received any help during the current juncture and many of them are suffering the consequences of the devastating crisis caused by global pandemic.
Despite the opinion of President Trump, some states have decided to help the population of undocumented immigrants, taking into account what they contribute to the country and to different sectors of the local market.
Do you need help obtaining your legal documentation? Contact Motion Law and follow the advice of experts.
Washington saves $40 million for undocumented immigrants
Washington has approximately 240,000 immigrants residing there without legal documentation. This is a high number compared to other states.
Several activist communities have been asking the local government for help during the last couple of months. Finally, the governor of Washington announced that he will allocate $40 million to help undocumented immigrants during the current juncture.
Gov. Jay Inslee decided to help them, arguing that they pay about $368 million in state and local taxes and work in important sectors of the US market.
How can undocumented immigrants get the monetary aid?
The governor proposes giving this money to non-profit organizations that will distribute the funds among undocumented immigrants.
Naturally, Governor Inslee decided to use non-governmental entities to prevent immigrants’ personal information from being used to initiate deportation proceedings.
Therefore, no federal agency will be involved in the distribution of Coronavirus relief to immigrant families who do not have legal documentation.
According to the plan, immigrants will receive this monetary aid during the last months of the year and will be able to have:
- $1000 per person.
- Maximum $3000 per family.
Hopeful news for immigrant communities
It is no secret that the health crisis also caused an economic crisis unprecedented in recent history of the US.
On top of that, the Trump administration has put constant pressure on undocumented immigrant communities around the country.
Therefore, the fact that Washington decides to help this population opens a door of hope for people who are still waiting to receive legal documentation in the US.
Keep up to date with the latest Immigration News.
Do you have an immigration case?
These are uncertain times for most sectors of our society. For instance, the immigration sector has been tremendously affected by the global pandemic.
However, we are seeing how immigration processes gradually return to their normal rhythm. Therefore, it is essential for you to seek reliable help and follow the guidance of experts who will help you choose the process that best suits your needs.
In this way, you can obtain your legal documentation as soon as possible and avoid precarious situations that can lead to detention or deportation.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.