Weekly Immigration News October 17 – 22, 2022

immigration news recap for the third week of October, 2022

Weekly Immigration News Summary

It is essential to understand the immigration system, or at least be up to date with current policies, when starting an immigration journey in the US, or even if you just need to renew your legal permit or complete a pending process within the country.

We recommend this mainly because local immigration processes are not always permanent, but rather tend to change regularly depending on global conditions, social needs, ideals of the country’s administration and many other factors.

Therefore, to avoid a possible rejection of your application, the ideal would be for you to be up to date with the most recent immigration news and have the constant accompaniment of experts on immigration matters.

For this last option, we recommend for you to contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for a FREE Consultation with our attorneys, who have years of experience guiding people through all kinds of immigration processes.

Here is the immigration news recap for the third week of October, 2022:

Democratic leaders continue to seek immigration reform

Democratic leaders across the US continue to call for comprehensive immigration reform and advocate for immigrant rights just before the midterm elections. To learn more about this news, click here.

There is a gigantic lack of information surrounding immigration

A recent report explains that the lack of information about what is really going on around the immigration system is causing completely unnecessary and avoidable social controversy. To learn more about this news, click here.

Immigration reform seems a long way off now

A recent report analyzes the obstacles that comprehensive immigration reform has faced since Biden took office in early 2021 and why it has failed to get off the ground. To learn more about this news, click here.

What does comprehensive immigration reform seek to achieve?

There is one question that is essential to answer at this point in the midst of the controversy surrounding the immigration sector and that is, what is the real purpose of immigration reform? To learn more about this news, click here.

The science sector and immigration

A recent report from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) explains the importance of protecting foreign talent for scientific development in the US. To learn more about this news, click here.

Start your immigration journey as soon as possible!

We want to help you fulfill your dreams in the US through the immigration process that best suits your current needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our expert immigration attorneys, who have vast experience with all kinds of immigration cases and will surely know which is the best alternative for your particular case.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.