Well-known Entrepreneurs Comment on the Shortage of Foreign Workers

Immigration projection worries employers
The Bureau of Labor Statistics made a projection of the local workforce over the next decade. In fact, the data from this analysis is of concern to American employers, who are currently facing enormous challenges in hiring qualified workers.
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Businessmen’s views on labor shortages
Well-known entrepreneur Elon Musk, owner of one of the largest technology and science companies in the US, has expressed his concern about the lack of workers to fill available vacancies, as well as the possible impact this situation may have in the future if solutions are not found now.
Like Musk, other businessmen have shown their concern about the prolongation of the current labor rhythm, since this could slow down the development plans of their companies and generate greater losses.
It is worth mentioning that foreign workers occupied a significant percentage of the workforce of these companies prior to the global pandemic.
However, this percentage was reduced due to the health crisis. Thus, expanding immigration levels could help address this issue by allowing more workers to enter the country.
Starting and completing an immigration process is simpler and easier if you follow the advice of professionals, contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!
Immigration projection and demographic reduction
There is a strong possibility that labor shortages will remain in the long term considering that:
- The increasing percentage of retirement and mortality rate has left a considerable sum of job openings.
- The low percentage of population growth during the last decade reveals that, in the coming years, there is no possibility that native workers will be able to fill the total number of available vacancies.
- Regarding current immigration figures, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a growth of only 6.5 million workers through 2030.
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Requests from the business sector
Given this data, several employers are asking the Biden administration to take certain steps to expand visa processes and relax the protocols for hiring qualified foreign workers to fill the current 1 million or so vacancies.
There are many people abroad who have the skills and meet the criteria to contribute to the US labor system, as hundreds of foreign workers already inside the country are already doing.
If you are about to begin your immigration journey in the US or need help with a pending case, don’t hesitate to seek reliable help from professionals in the field – Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!
Motion Law Immigration’s team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey
We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.